Senior Center Menus – Westside Eagle Observer

Week of December 6-10
Billy V. Hall Senior Activity Center
Monday: Melt in your mouth chicken, rice pilaf, sugar snap peas, roll, fruit parfait
Tuesday: Beef stroganoff over noodles, winter blend vegetables, glazed carrots, bread, banana pudding
Wednesday: Hot open-faced turkey sandwich with gravy, mashed potatoes with gravy, stewed tomatoes, German chocolate cake
Thursday: St. Louis style ribs, baked beans, fried okra, biscuit, cherry whip
Friday: Breakfast — Monte Cristo sandwich, hash browns, fruit parfait
Lunch — Vegetable soup, tuna salad sandwich, crackers, fruit medley, cookie
Takeout meals are available for pickup Monday through Friday from 11 to 11:30 a.m. Call the Center, 479-787-5950, to order a meal. Sit-down meals are served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Breakfast is served Fridays only from 8 to 9 a.m. Transportation and grocery shopping assistance are also available.
Print Headline: Senior Center Menus
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