Tunisia: Pilot Project to Develop Organic Agricultural Products to Be Launched in Kasserine – AllAfrica – Top Africa News

Tunis/Tunisia — A pilot project to develop organic agricultural products in the localities of Charayaa and Machrek Chames (Governorate of Kasserine) will be launched shortly by the Cooperative Society for Agricultural Services (SMSA El-Wafa), in collaboration with the Charayaa-Machrek Chames municipality and with the financial support of the European Union (EU) and the assistance of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
The project consists in setting up an agricultural product-processing plant specialised in the production of jam, vinegar and juice extracted from apples, pears and peaches, SMSA El-Wafa President Chokri Salhi stated to TAP on Thursday.
The plant will also specialise in drying fruit and making apple crisps, the official said, adding that this production follows the society’s success in 2021 in drying 100 tonnes of tomatoes and exporting them to the Italian market.
The project is estimated to cost 1 million 500 thousand dinars in addition to the contribution of the SMSA by means of 374 thousand dinars, the official said, assuring that there is a real domestic and foreign market for the plant’s products.
Read the original article on Tunis Afrique Presse.
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