The unspeakable horror of Organic Smiles Cereal – Boing Boing

I wish that real-life cereal box toys looked like the ones in this fictional screen test for “Organic Smiles Cereal Commercial.” This analog horror video was made by Nathan Frost, and features a series of eerie handmade dolls shot in black and white. I would be overjoyed to dig into a cereal box and pull out any of the dolls in the video, like the one that has a face made out of a dozen little faces.
On August 23rd, 2015, a user posted on a message board and asked “what’s a scary story that freaked you out when you were younger?” a user responded by saying ” My grandfather used to always tell me a story about a commercial test screening that he and his friends went to when he was younger. He always told me that it was a Cereal advertisement from a company called Organic Smiles. I’ve looked up the brand and it literally does not exist. He said that the commercial had distorted-faced mannequin women and long blood faces. He didn’t watch the whole thing as he ran out of the theater crying but his friends did watch it all and were absolutely traumatized by it. Later that year he said all the people who attended that screening went missing. At the time I totally believed it but now I realized that he had to have been screwing with me, but he always had a serious look on his face when he told me about it.
The response at the time didn’t gain much traction until a year later on September 4th when the same user that posted the story said they found the supposed commercial on film tape that was mailed to him somehow. Later that day the user started posting screenshots of it showing its authenticity and proving it was real. Other users were getting excited and many were highly anticipating it.

Here are three TV commercials from the 1960s for Mattel toy guns. The snub-nose .38 looks like a real pistol. It comes with bullets that you can attach caps to so the gun bangs and smokes when you fire it. A robber could use it to hold up a bank. In the second commercial, actor… READ THE REST
Star Trek Ornaments Image When it comes to crafting merchandise, corporations tend to act like Mufasa explaining his kingdom’s perimeters to Simba. “Everything the light touches,” they tell their merchandising department, “is our kingdom.” There isn’t a product around that can’t be associated with a brand or franchise these days. From sympathy wreaths to rectal thermometers, if you search… READ THE REST
MK Image Remember when Mortal Kombat was considered the most violent game in existence? Those were such quaint times. Nowadays, video games are more graphic than ever, with enough gore to make Dahmer blush. Although the Mortal Kombat series might have lost its spot as the pinnacle of violence in the video game realm, it’s still a… READ THE REST
2022 office culture is much different than ever before because A) it exists, and B) it works faster than ever. And while old reliable Excel may have worked in the past, it may be time for a shift in programs to give your presentations and spreadsheets a sprinkle of modernity, so you don’t fall behind in the… READ THE REST
Introducing Hometap: no loans, no monthly payments, no kidding. Image via Unsplash Do you own your own home? If so, you could be sitting on a goldmine.  With real estate prices continuing their skyward ascent in 2021, home equity hit an all-time high. In fact, it’s now estimated that 42 percent of American homeowners are… READ THE REST
A lot has happened in just the past few months. Besides any personal gains, you’re probably headed back to the office, which means the lousy chaos in your life is back, and the chaotic good that was working at your own pace in your jammies is long gone. If you need a little extra TLC… READ THE REST
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