Northwoods Home & Garden: Organic lawn care practices benefit environment, pocketbooks – Ashland Daily Press

Organic lawns, including pollinator varieties, can appear conventional.

Organic lawns, including pollinator varieties, can appear conventional.
Lawns, in all their lush, green American glory, are a relatively new invention.
Swaths of low-grass lawns apparently originated in 17th-century Europe, which possessed a climate suited to the grasses, sprouting up at wealthy estates, stated the Natural Planet Resource Center. Not that the rich cut the grass themselves, they had laborers to mow and weed for them.
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Books: “Nature’s Best Hope” and “Bringing Nature Home” by Douglas W. Tallamy.
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(Copyright © 2022 APG Media)
• 59 million pounds of pesticides are used each year to keep lawns “neat.”
• Americans spent $105 billion in 2020 to maintain lawns.
• Nearly three billion gallons of gas were used in 2018 to maintain lawns, equating to 26.7 million tons of pollutants.
• There is an estimated 50 million acres of turfgrass in the United States.
– Source: Anthony Nied
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