Myth: Organic pet food is always healthiest – Baker City Herald

Human food in the grocery store marked “organic” has been determined to abide by rules and regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program. These foods meet standards in the methods they’re raised, with no synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, or genetic engineering used. Though there are no such rules for pet food at the moment, they are currently under development. What shoppers can look for in the meantime is a USDA seal signifying the product is made of at least 95% organic ingredients.
Is organic actually the healthiest pet food available? Several studies have revealed the differences in nutrient levels between organic and nonorganic pet food are negligible. If pesticide exposure is a concern, it’s important to know pesticides are can be used with growing organic foods, however, they can’t be synthetic and must be certified for organic gardening.
Something else to be aware of: Foods claiming to be natural, holistic, complete, balanced, or 100% nutritious may merely be marketing ploys. To ensure the food you’re purchasing is safe for your pet, look for food with a nutritional adequacy statement from the Association of American Feed Control Officials on its label.
Misinformation in the pet food market abounds. To help determine fact from fiction, 
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