In2itive Fitness and Organic Plum skincare team up for new wellness center in Leesburg – Loudoun Times-Mirror

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A few passing clouds, otherwise generally clear. Low near 55F. Winds light and variable.
Updated: April 12, 2022 @ 11:29 pm
The spa room for Organic Plum’s skincare services. 
Lisa Leach, left, and Staci LaRue recently opened their new studio in Leesburg with fitness, spa and wellness amenities.

The spa room for Organic Plum’s skincare services. 
Lisa Leach, left, and Staci LaRue recently opened their new studio in Leesburg with fitness, spa and wellness amenities.
A boutique fitness and wellness center recently opened in the town of Leesburg by local entrepreneurs Staci LaRue and Lisa Leach.
LaRue has owned In2itive Fitness for 15 years, while Leach has owned Organic Plum Studio for nearly as long, but this new Madison Trade Plaza location marks a shift in focus for the two friends’ businesses to offer skincare and other services.
The move comes after a long focus on wellness from the pair.
According to LaRue, her passion for helping people train and find a healthy approach to living has been something she has enjoyed since her teenage years.
In her 20s, while living in New York City, LaRue pursued a dream to be a singer and dancer in off-Broadway shows while waiting tables part-time. However, it was when she began working at a gym that she felt more fulfilled and she became certified as a trainer and then as a nutritionist.
“I love going to work and making a difference and helping people’s lives,” LaRue said.
She met her husband, Jason Miller, in New York City and they moved to Leesburg, where they opened the Wine Kitchen in 2008.
Since then, she has been working in gyms, in private homes and as a nutritionist in a doctor’s office.
LaRue met Leach, an aesthetician, in 2006 when they worked at a fitness center and spa in Dulles and they bonded over their shared interests in the wellness industry.
Since 2009, Leach has owned Organic Plum Studio in Leesburg — at times sharing a working space with LaRue’s business — until 2017, when she moved to Berryville.
During the pandemic, they both shifted their business plans, with LaRue moving to virtual fitness on Zoom and then providing content to her clients so they could continue to meet their fitness goals. She also offers nutrition and lifestyle programs through her social media group known as the Self Love Society.
Leach decided to put Organic Plum on pause and slowly came back to work late last year.
In December, when LaRue found a new space at 424 Madison Trade Plaza in Leesburg, she knew it would be the perfect location for them to have a fresh start.
Leach was easily convinced and they opened for business in January.
Her skincare services include several signature facials using organic products, a micro current lifting facial which stimulates the body’s production of collagen, and a mini-peel treatment which she says is great to re-boot your skin.
“I missed that part of who I am and what I do. Coming here – this is our escape,” Leach said. “We are two different businesses but it’s a great fit. We are trying to help our clients and it’s a very personal experience when they come here,” she added.
For LaRue, the fitness and nutrition work continues to be her mission with a goal of teaching women to understand the importance of taking care of themselves. They have also added an infrared sauna, which they say promotes detoxification, and it’s already been popular with their clients.
“I’m passionate about this. We have a community of people who come here and get to know one another and support each other,” LaRue said.
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